Saturday, April 27, 2019

i warned you about biden.

but, listen. biden has been clear enough that he's operating solely out of careerism. joe isn't even running for wall street; joe is running solely for joe, for his resume, for his legacy.

i guess you can't fault him, if he wants it.

but, you should frankly be ashamed of yourself for sending him money - or for casting a ballot for him. he represents nobody and nothing. he has no policy vision. so, why are you sending him money? and, why are you supporting his candidacy?

he doesn't care about you. why do you care about him?

he waited until the last minute and then raised a lot of money on the first day. that suggests he's not going to fade, that he does have a substantive base - or at least substantive enough of one to compete in a crowded field.

now that he's in, bernie's tactic needs to be to try to prevent as many people from dropping as possible. when booker gives up, joe gets a bump. when harris realizes that the rest of the country isn't actually very much like california after all, it's joe that gets the bump. even warren supporters are saying something by supporting her, namely that they won't back a leftist candidate.

so, joe has a process here: he's the center of gravity. he's got to try and build up as much jomentum as possible, as he runs through the space-time of the primary field. history may not be on his side, but time is.

there's a point where the field narrows, the situation flips and you get a stop biden movement in the same way that you had a stop clinton movement. but, that's a reaction - a reaction to a biden victory.

biden is a huge problem for bernie.