Thursday, April 4, 2019

i'm also realizing that the fingerprint destruction request doesn't mention a disposition purge, and should have. so, i've asked for clarification on that, too.

for now, back to the chromebook.

i tried to log in today and realized i had a 100 character password and no way to cut and paste it. i'm left with the option of changing the password to something i can remember - which is a bad idea, even in the context of a fake account - or setting up a pin, and just never rebooting. i guess i could login as a guest in a pinch, right...

regarding the extensions, it wasn't hard to find a way to download them, and i should be able to install them locally. if i keep them on the external media, it should be easy enough to set up for blogging. right now, we're looking at an extension for embedded video, an extension for general html editing (and i'll need to figure out what to do to get the location in) and, of course, the ad blocker.

so, let's see what i can get to work, then...