Sunday, April 21, 2019

so, i'm about halfway through copying the emails and photos into the master document, and it seems like this is going to be a lengthy digest after all, meaning the quarterly, itself a half quarter for now with a long wait period for resolution with the first half, in fact the entire alter-reality, is going to be pushing the length of a full novel. how about that for unexpected.

the emails drastically curtail in september. i think. but, i've still got some story to tell for august...

there was no traveling, and not much youtube activity, although i did set up the studio, which is key to the music journal narrative, actually. so, it's not just all personal narrative, there's actually some substantive music journal entries. ok. i think i may have done some writing at the end of the month, as well. so, it should be a more balanced entry, actually, even if the personal narrative remains weighty.