Tuesday, April 23, 2019

to be clear, when my sister said she took the discs she wanted, i would presume she meant some vocal jazz like billie holiday, and maybe some 60s pop like joni mitchell or bob dylan. or maybe the doors. i don't expect that she'd have had any interest in the psychedelic or progressive sequence in the collection, in pretty much any way. not even the floyd. like, she's the kind of person that thinks the beatles lost it after help.

so, i wasn't concerned about her taking the discs i wanted - to the extent that she knew them at all, she didn't like them much. and, she may have even been honest in deducing that there wasn't anything i wanted, simply because she knew so little of it.

"in the court of the crimson king. hrmmn. never heard of it. j wouldn't want that."

i actually wasn't concerned about d taking the stuff i wanted, either. his was the opposite situation: he already had all of the stuff i was looking for. he didn't need another copy of dark side or sgt peppers or selling england.. or whatever else.

as pointed out, i actually found most of it. despite what they said, it wasn't picked over, it was sold. the only thing i couldn't find was the zappa...and it is probably because it was given away or lent out early....