Thursday, May 23, 2019

again: i felt great this evening after getting some exercise in some warm weather, but this is being ruined by the second-hand smoke from upstairs. i can't understand how anybody could think it's a good idea to prescribe this for depression; all that smoking drugs all the time is ever going to do is make you feel like shit.

an actual doctor would tell you to get some exercise and some fresh air, not to do drugs and vegetate like a mushroom. the quackery is baffling. and, what's more baffling is how many stupid people out there are actually falling for it.

depressed? you don't need drugs. you need exercise. you don't need tar and smoke and carcinogens, you need clean, fresh air.

he went to work for a few days last week, then stopped going again. and, despite what he says, the source of the smoke is clearly his space, even if i can't prove it's actually him.

i'm going to wait a few more hours to turn the fan back on, but it's going to need to be on all day to clear the space out. i'm willing to utilize the fan as a kind of punishment for the time being: if he's going to stay up all night and smoke drugs in the house, i'll turn the fan on all day. if he stops or tones it down, i'll turn it off. and, i'll have to escalate as the situation worsens.

i have no sympathy for somebody that claims they have to do drugs because they're depressed - that is bullshit on every possible level.