Wednesday, May 8, 2019

i'm actually fucking sick about hearing about #metoo.

this is not a populist movement. if it is anything at all, besides a mainstream media construction, it's a vanguard movement inside the elite of the democratic establishment.

if it has any effect on the upcoming cycle at all, it will strictly be in reaction to it.

this isn't because people don't want equality, it's because the way it's being presented by this particular clique of people is puritanical and extreme - and very much outside of the mainstream. again: if you live inside twitter, you wouldn't know that. but, nobody uses twitter; well, nobody outside of the establishment, anyways.

i don't expect the reaction to be very noticeable, though. more likely is crickets. perpetually. and, people getting up and walking away....

"me too" has a previous usage in a context of demeaning internet jargon. we would once speak of the annoying "me too" posters that would interject themselves into a thread, offering nothing of value. there is even a long history of shit posting and sarcasm constructed around this, where people would disingenuously post "me too!" on threads just to be annoying and pointless.

in the long run, it will be the original usage that predominates.

and, the hashtag may even end up subsumed - as an example of something that people don't like.