Thursday, May 16, 2019

so, am i getting better?

it's not clear.

i'd say it's more like i'm riding a wavefunction in and out of reality - i'm getting better and worse and then better again. whether i'm reacting explicitly to the smoke or the enclosed air is sort of moot at this point, as i'm getting clear cause and effect around the pressure in my head with the bathroom fan. there seems to be something building up on that side, and i do in fact think that it's smoke.

so, i cleaned the bedroom fan out; you know how they get. it was long overdue. it should stop me from tiping over, anyways.

i don't know if i'm going to stay up or not, but it seems unlikely just right now. the literature is keen to point out that these migraines are not like strokes, but tell that to my body, which seems to think it just had one. it's just constant tiredness...

my mind isn't tired. i want to do something, anything. but, my body is so overwhelmed that i don't think there's any other option.

so, i guess we'll try again in a few hours....