Friday, May 17, 2019

the show tonight was enjoyable; i had to get out out of the house, and i knew xiu xiu are always entertaining. the first act suffered from a very weak mix, and the second act was actually maybe the high point, even if i enjoyed it sitting down.

i'll have some reviews later.

for now, i just want to point something out - and tonight was not an isolated occurrence, this is something i've experienced on multiple occasions, and i never know how to get the point across besides to escape: the fact is that if i manage to steal your girlfriend's heart in the course of a few minutes without even trying then she probably didn't actually like you all that much and that frustration, while understandable, cannot be directed at me, however passive-aggressively.

i do this all of the time, and i'm not even trying.

it's a reflection on what exists in front of you; i'm just a prop. honestly.

and, i don't understand why they think i'm even game. really.