Tuesday, June 4, 2019

as per usual, my health is absurdly ideal - glucose levels lined up directly with the averages, and cholesterol levels on the dangerously low side.

the doctor is continually flabbergasted by the cholesterol, stating things like "these are the lowest cholesterol numbers i've ever seen". he keeps asking me about my diet.  but, the real answer is not what i eat but how much; my cholesterol is low because i keep excess storage to a minimum, by not eating more than i need and getting enough exercise to burn off or convert storage when it appears. it really is just a conservation law.

physics is all.

i will have an interview with a nurse in july to get a rec to get my balls out. literally. i'll keep the sac though, as they'll use it to build a vagina, one day. they're just going to make a little cut, sever them from the pipeline up and pop 'em out. voila - no more testosterone. so, that will likely not be until early in the year, or late in this one.

i'm also upping my estrogen from 6 mg/day to 8 mg/day, and i'm not sure how i want to do it, yet. probably every six hours, but maybe 4 every 12. i dunno.

for now, i have enough groceries to last some time, so i am taking a showering and heading to sleep, with the intent to catch up and then some before i leave the house next.