Saturday, June 1, 2019

it's taken some time for it to come out as robust, but you really are looking at a distinct liberal--->green swing, here, with continued stagnation from both the ndp and the conservatives.

right now, the liberals are going to lose because they're bleeding support to the greens.

the ndp is a tainted vessel; there is no future for them, after the notley fiasco. i've been arguing for years that they're usually worse than the liberals when they actually win, but after oil queen notley, they have about as much credibility as the old parties, now - the jig is up, it's time to walk away. so, the goal for everybody on the left in this election needs to be to have the greens beat the ndp, outright - both in votes and in seats.

the liberals and conservatives are so similar at the federal level at this point, that it doesn't really matter which one wins. the focus needs to be more about the future of the left, and to have the greens repositioned as the actual protest party in the country.