Sunday, June 23, 2019

i've been saying this forever.

it's eyebrow raising, certainly, but it's suggestive that the party recognizes some of the demographic contradictions that are showing up across the existing spectrum.

it's up to voters to figure this all out and where the parties move in the future, but the existing reality of religious muslim groups supporting the liberal party (putting them in coalition with the pro-science party, atheists and queer groups) is not sustainable. that coalition will fracture, and it's a question of how to minimize the damage and put things back together. liberals don't like racism, and want to build a world where people aren't assumed to follow a specific religious ideology based on their race or ancestry, but they're fundamentally not on the same side as islam. on the other hand, while many conservatives hold racist views, they are fundamentally in coalition with the islamic worldview in ways that liberals have never been and never will be. if we want enfranchisement and accurate representation - if we want democracy to be genuine - we need to find ways to work through these contradictions and ensure that people are voting in ways that actually reflect their actual values.