Monday, June 10, 2019

so, where are the liberal party apparatchiks? why is this party so devoid of policy, after having been the "party of policy" for most of the previous century? what the fuck happened?

it's tempting to compare trudeau to trump. truly.

but, the better comparison is - ironically - to what happened to the russians under stalin, although this process actually began with what we call the "martin purges" in canada. trudeau very much picked up where martin left off, in this regard.

the sad truth is that there's nobody around to write policy because they fired everybody and, like in stalinist russia, that mass purge of the party intelligentsia has led to a generation of decline and regression.

we are at least in a better state of affairs than communist russia, though - in canada, at least they're not dead. which means you could, potentially, bring them back.

trudeau had an opportunity to rebuild a dying party, and he started off the right way, but in the end just revealed himself as completely full of shit as he carried on the same mistakes that were made by his immediate predecessors. he blew it...

...and the party is on the brink of being back where it was in 2011.