Monday, July 22, 2019


canada is a secular state within a constitutional democracy with one set of laws and one set of rights for everybody. in canada, the charter is superior to all religious doctrine.

those are the rules, here.

i would oppose any sort of parallel legal structure, and i would insist that the charter be used to override any religious documents, should one arise. and, that is what it means to be a liberal.

so, it's not just a legitimate political concern, even if it's a little on the backburner right just now. i mean, if a politician showed up tomorrow and started backing these religious tribunals again, i would certainly openly oppose them and openly back candidates that want to reverse any movement in that direction. i would oppose the enforcement of sharia under any context, in any scenario and insist that our own laws be followed, instead. it's also an issue within the canadian liberal party, and the broader left that is going to require some more open discussion and more honest dialogue around.

resist the propaganda telling you this isn't an issue.

it is.