Monday, July 1, 2019

and, what do i think about canada day?

i think it's a jingoistic, chauvinistic display of mindless nationalism towards a country that is middling at best. we are not remembering an uprising, or a declaration of independence from a colonial overlord; confederation was in fact thrust upon us by the nation's elites in order to advance their own interests (and end the gridlock in what was then the canadian parliament of ontario & quebec), without so much as a plebiscite. there is no organic movement attached to this day, no expression of the popular will. if anything, it was designed to limit democracy, and there was mass opposition to it.

so,  i would support a day to celebrate canadians, a kind of workers holiday, before i supported a day to celebrate canada as a geopolitical entity.

and, i don't need an excuse to get drunk.

i was going to go to detroit, but it seems like i'll be inside catching up on some cleaning instead.