Wednesday, July 17, 2019

hey, if i'm here this weekend maybe i can heckle bernie when he comes over to get discount insulin.

"go home yankee, back where you come from!"

i'd probably get a shoe thrown at me for that one, right?

well, you know it's a thing in a lot of the world to tell americans to go back where they came from, right? sometimes with good reason. like, in japan, for instance. those military guys over there (and there's like 50,000 of them. still.) have kind of a bad reputation with the locals. because they tend to rape them.

or, in much of latin america, where chants of "yanqui go home!" are pretty common place. well, they keep showing up with guns and slaughtering them. i'd tell people with guns that are there to slaughter me to go back where they came from, too.

i actually have no interest in defending what trump said, and that's not what i meant to do. it was a verbose, stupid remark. i just tend to have this tendency to kneejerk against kneejerks, and i'll hold to my analysis - it was a stupid way to say something that maybe actually ought to be said.

so long as we have enough insulin to go around, i'm not opposed to sharing it with the yankees. really. it would be better if they'd fix their own system, but all i can offer is words. and, i'm sure they'll find their way home soon enough.

if i drop by, i'll behave. promise.