Friday, July 26, 2019

it is baffling to me that the media still doesn't understand that the liberals never supported or proposed a proportional representation system. the media has been perpetuating this falsehood now for years.

it stated very clearly in the liberal platform that they intended to move towards a ranked ballot system, which was a position defined not by trudeau but by stephane dion. and, yes, there were people that voted for a ranked ballot system, and i am one of them.

this argument is consequently a red herring, as i would have also voted against a pr system in a referendum, even as i voted for a ranked system in the general. i would also support a ranked system in a referendum. while it is clear that canadians don't want a pr, or an mmp, i have yet to see a ranked ballot option put up to a plebiscite.

i can even rank my preferences:

1. ranked ballots.
2. first past the post
3. proportional representation

the reality is that pr has been a disaster everywhere it's been tried. we should not repeat the mistakes made by countries like israel and germany, but rather learn from them. that's a big part of what being a canadian is about: not repeating the mistakes made in other countries.

so, there are three options, here, not two. the liberals broke their promise, but the promise they broke was around ranked ballots, not around pr. when will the media stop posting misleading (or flat out wrong) articles about this and be honest with canadians about it?

cbc gets three pinocchios, here, even if the sad truth is that the reported doesn't actually know what he's talking about.