Friday, July 5, 2019

it's actually a great night for bad music in detroit.

- snoop dog (lion? bear? dinosaur?) & bones thug 'n' harmony are doing an outdoor set, where all the potheads can enjoy the thunderstorms.
- jennifer lopez is playing the hockey arena

....and vanilla ice is in windsor. seriously. but, i'm not under much pressure to go. not even with both of them looking down on me, now.

this could be a really difficult conundrum for the kind of person of a certain age with absolutely no concept of taste, whatsoever. really.

there's a moderately well known dj, bonobo, spinning tonight, but it's in a weird venue and appears to likely be done before 11:00. it's at least outside, but it seems kind of lame to me to bring somebody in like that and tell them they're done before the bars open - unless there's a late party, and then that makes sense.

goth club is the same problem as always: they close at 4:00, if you're lucky. i need something going until 6:00 or 7:00. although it's friday, actually, so the saturday bus is early...hrmmn...

but, if there's a late party, i may rather go to the noise show at the old miami. i dunno.

or i may just stay in if the weather turns for the worse.i had to scratch a lot of things off to get here, and what's left is by default, and not all that compelling.