Wednesday, August 14, 2019

and, yes: in the long run, anarchists don't believe in borders. but, tearing down borders is something you do between countries with comparable economies.

so, in theory, i would support a schengen-type zone over nafta, and i was hoping the last round of renegotiation would address the point. but, we'd be talking about taking steps to implement it eventually, not doing it right away. mexico's gdp per capita is 15% of that in the united states, which is far too low for this kind of discussion. and, it has absolutely no security at it's border at all...

but, yes, that should be the end point, eventually, once mexico has raised it's living standards. and, that should be the focus of american workers, as difficult as it is: they have to stop seeing mexico as a competitor, while continuing to see individual mexican workers for what they are. a tricky task for the best of us...

a schengen-type agreement, if passed today, would result in an incredible race to the bottom for everybody.