Tuesday, August 13, 2019


listen - i don't care what you do. really. like, at all. i don't care about you one bit. but, i can't stand being in the same room as it.

i don't find it emancipating at all in any remote way. and, i just don't see where the question of morality even arises, in context; it's just not a relevant analysis. rather, i just find it sleazy and gross, and i'm going to get up and walk out every time.

i can understand it as a reaction, though. if i had grown up in a conservative christian or muslim household, maybe i'd be more attracted to the rebellion of it. but, i wasn't raised in a conservative household, and my reaction on that level is consequently to point to it as an example of why we shouldn't have conservative households. this is how religion warps the minds of your kids, and what they turn into if you raise them in guilt.

so, yes: i don't get it. or, i don't get it on a guttural level, at least. and, the way i'm going to get it on an intellectual level is just to deconstruct it.

which isn't to say i don't think you should do it, just to say that i'd rather not watch.