Tuesday, August 20, 2019

yeah, it's time to stop to eat, and october should be super fast. i spent the beginning of the month doing a lot of writing, so it's mostly going to be about archiving writing posts to the blogs. no scripts. no files, even. the rest of it is mostly posted, although we're also going to see the first actual dtk posts, too.

i don't think it'll take more than 24 hours to finish the master document. and, it's just going to be pictures, page updates and emails, mostly with the initial landlord. the only other thing to add will be messenger posts, but october is the point where those break up, too.

for what it's worth, as the alter-reality has been rewound from 20 to 30 years as a consequence of getting bogged down with various things, the first half of 2013 will not be posted until 2043, if i even make it that long. i'll be 62 at that point. so, these characters are fading out now, and it's going to be along time before they're worked back in.

if i make it, most of them will probably be dead.

but, i'm over the hump with this, i think, and it should be a lot faster from here on in.