Sunday, September 1, 2019

actually, here's an idea to think about: maybe if you're talking to somebody at a bar for a lengthy period, and they stop responding, or even start staring into space, it's not because they're too stoned to react, or because they're falling asleep. maybe they actually just think you're boring and are trying to find a way to get you to stop talking to them without being rude or confrontational. and, maybe the better reaction is to get the hint and go away, rather than to call them names or question their sobriety.

i know that this is probably something that certain types of women don't experience very often. they're used to everybody thinking they're oh so very exciting, and falling all over themselves to get the privilege to speak to them. because they're so very, very special. but, those are exactly the types of women that i'm likely to find to be the most boring, because all they're really interested in is talking about themselves. and, i'm not generalizing, i'm correlating. so, be the exception. i dare you.

i'm just continually confused as to why these women think i want to talk to them.

and, if you're paying close attention, you realize that i tend to gravitate more towards men in these circumstances.

i'm sorry - but i'm obvious. and, people just aren't getting the hints.