Tuesday, September 17, 2019

also, conflating the niqab ban with bill 21 is a false equivalency, and you'd only make it if you didn't really understand what bill 21 is actually about - if you think it's just state-sponsored discrimination, and the whole argument is just some kind of an excuse, or something. you'd have to swallow the bullshit, ignorant line from jagmeet singh about it being about "looking different".

that's not what it's about at all.

i opposed the niqab ban, because who cares? but, you'll note that, in opposing the niqab ban, i also supported the right to dress as spiderman or wear garbage bags over your head to the citizenship ceremony. i wasn't standing with muslims on the grounds of upholding a religious right, i was pointing out the stupidity of legislating the fashion police at a ceremony of trivial significance. and, i would still oppose the niqab ban, because who cares?

but, i support bill 21 because it's an entirely different concern. this is something we should care about, because we're talking about exposing our children to cults, here. when we leave our kids in state care, we should be confident that they won't be exposed to anybody's religious beliefs. we can't do that when the teachers are so brainwashed by some superstitious nonsense that they can't even take off their scarves.

so, don't conflate this. don't think there's overlap. don't think the motives are the same.