Saturday, September 28, 2019

since aaron wherry has outed himself as a liberal stooge, it's easy to put two and two together here and deduce that the liberals are about to start scare mongering about the bloc, which, as it happens to be, is another harperism.

the socialists and the separatists...coalition...hey, can trudeau prorogue before the throne speech? maybe he can call boris up and ask him if he has any tips.

the bloc does not want to join a coalition government, and will not agree to prop up the government. how do i know that? because they're the bloc, and they don't want to interfere with canadian politics. all duceppe promised to do last time was vote for the budget, and then his party got destroyed because of it; even that minimal of a commitment rendered them pointless in the minds of quebeckers. they're not there to gain power, they're there to be a pain in the ass. if wherry has a point, it might be that it might work; if you want to be afraid of something, it would be a hung parliament and the need to go back to the polls.

but, there's no need to fear because i'll tell you what will happen - the liberals and conservatives will prop each other up, just like they did in the 00s. they are, after all, the parties that are most similar to each other.

so, conservative minority? don't worry - the liberals will vote for the budget. and, that's a loop they can't get out of, because they can't gain momentum when they're propping the conservatives up. but, they'll do it, you can count on it.

and, a liberal minority? the conservatives will wait, and pull the plug when it's convenient. right now, that might not happen for a while...

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.