Wednesday, September 4, 2019

the big difference in canada is that the banking elites don't actually give a fuck about manufacturing jobs, which is an unintended consequence of keeping our labour politics separate from our bourgeois left. as elsewhere, they're supposed to care about inflation, but, as it is elsewhere, that's a farce.

canada is a resource-exporting economy, which is another way to say that it's a colonial state, ultimately more comparable to brazil or nigeria than it is to japan or germany. so, we've never really belonged in these lists of "advanced economies" - we have a high standard of living, but our economy is, overall, not very advanced. we're still lumberjacks and kayakers; the bankers still make their money from exporting oil and chopping down trees, not from services or technology. that might not ever really change, either.

so, it's true that a lower dollar would help our manufacturing sector, as well as our farming sector, but nobody in power actually cares about them. they're happy to let the dollar come up and down with the price of oil, without paying much heed to the necessities of stimulating consumer demand. and, they're happy to focus on creating extraction-economy jobs.

so, if their inaction leads to an increase in the dollar, and that creates job losses, you're not going to get much action from them. they'll wait until they have an issue that affects investors and property owners, first.

that means that we need stimulus from the fed, too - and due to the open economy, that your stimulus helps our economy, as well.