Thursday, October 17, 2019

i took a look at the tube on my bike a little more closely, and i can't figure out where the hole is. so, i filled it back up, and it came back down again after about an hour.

i can't help but feel i can save this tube, but it'll need to wait a few days. going out on saturday is, in fact, dependent on the bike, due to the distance i'll need to travel. i could in theory hop the rail to grand, but it's still a long ass walk to hamtramck. and, i am morally opposed to using a car (at all.), unless i have to. so, no cabs, no uber. and, i don't have or want a phone, anyways. pretty much the only valid use of combustion engines are ambulances and fire trucks, imo. i'm pretty strict on myself about that...

the options are really walking or biking, and this place is too far to walk and not on any reasonable bus route.

i don't want to take my other bike to detroit, that's what i bought this one for.

so, if i make the choice to go tomorrow or the next day, i'll have to take the whole tire apart, patch it and put it back together again.

for right now, i want to work on the rebuild for the end of 2013.

the sewers held overnight. i'm going to see if i can push it the whole day....

as it is, i'm showered and fed and ready to get at it.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this