Sunday, October 27, 2019

so, i've been awake, at least - i've napped briefly a few times, but i've been awake since last night.

and, i've made it up until the end of nov 20, 2013 - not as much as i'd hoped, but a fair amount, nonetheless.

the politics archive is at 225 pages and counting, and will probably be over 300 pages. there's no single component to this.

the music file is at 85 pages and will certainly be over 100. the dominant component is bandcamp links.

the deathtokoalas document is also at 85 pages, and will also be around 100 pages. there's no dominant component here either, but it's a subset of the politics site.

the heat is now on, and the nature of the smell has shifted to burning gas, but the nature of the issue hasn't altered. i appreciate the heat, and the totality of it might be less, but i still need a plumber.

and, whether it's actually marijuana or not (i think it is), i'm more and more convinced that the smoky smell is the same smell that i smelled on him yesterday. it's him, one way or the other. - if it's pot or gas or meth or whatever else.

i haven't eaten since yesterday, either, so it's time to stop and do it. and, we'll see if this is a blip or if i'm going into the manic phase. i want some very long days, right now. if i can stay straight edge for a bit, hopefully i can have a long november in terms of being awake 22 hours a day for the whole month. i'm tired of these sleepy days...

so, eggs it is. let's get cracking...