Monday, October 21, 2019

you know, i've noticed this before - whenever my computer gets into a crash/reboot cycle, the thing they go after is adblock.

that seems to be the thing the cia is most concerned about - that i watch the fucking ads.


i have no fucking interest at all in the ads. there is a 0% possibility that i'm going to even look at them, except maybe to laugh at them. the only way i'm going to ever click on an ad is by accident.

you can't brainwash me. i'll close me eyes. i'll scream "la-la-la". i just won't watch it.

and, the more i see an advertisement for your product, the less likely i am to want to buy it. like, the act of seeing an ad is enough. i don't care what the ad's about - it's mere existence is enough to get me to boycott you.

i actually think i'm at the ultra-paradoxical stage with it, where over-exposure to advertising has brought me to the point where i get a negative reaction to it. nothing about the ad really matters to me - just knowing it exists is enough to make me hate you.

i've mentioned before that i couldn't live on an internet with ads. if they somehow break adblock, if they take this away, if they force the ads on me, i'm going to end up going to the library and reading books instead. it's actually one of the reasons i stopped watching tv.

i just can't handle it. and, i'll fight it as hard as i can.

i was being lazy in leaving my computer on and my internet on. so, if you want to get aggressive with me, i'll go back to disconnecting from the internet when i'm not using it. that's fine.