Monday, November 11, 2019

for now, let's try to fix one thing at a time.

i was getting absolutely brutal migraines before i turned the fan on, remember. it might have been the gas, and it might be a little better now, but who wants to run that experiment? i'm not really convinced.

i had a few dollars left on an amazon gift certificate, so i just bought a cheap usb fan to replace the one i have on my desk. they're claiming it should be here by wednesday. and, they're claiming it runs on 2.5-3.0w. i'm going to guess that the honeywell that's been running more or less nonstop (except when it seized) is more like 40 W, and i think it's roughly 20% of my bill. really. i think the two of them together are about 40% of it.

19*1.55*.6 = 17.47

is it that easy?

so, i got a $10 solar usb charger, too, which should power the fan, even if nothing else uses it. the only thing i'd power through usb is an mp3 player i bought in 2006. so, we've at least got the desktop fan off the grid, now...

if that $16 gets me back to saving credits, great.

for now, i'm going to keep the desktop fan on and the bathroom fan off for a bit and figure out what the statistics say.

i need to call the board this morning, so we'll have a bit of a delay in shutting things down, but we're going to need to do this for a few days, at least, until i'm able to understand what's happening better.

i wanted to be done the liner notes today. i can probably get a start on it when i turn the modem off, but i think i'm only going to get 2-3 hours on this battery before i need to shut down.