Tuesday, November 26, 2019

is it surprising that they're doing so poorly? kind of, but not really.

i think that harris has simply demonstrated herself to be an unserious candidate. if i were her, i'd actually be worried about keeping her senate seat. her debate performances were atrocious.

and, booker is just kind of....white.

but, i'm going to throw this out there: in 2008, black voters rushed to go to "their guy", and found out he wasn't such a good pick, after all. he sided with wall street. he sold them out on health care. he deported people by the millions, he did nothing for criminal justice reform and he actually oversaw a decrease in living standards for african-americans, albeit mostly due to the global recession.

i know that black voters are loathe to criticize obama in public.

but, is there some lingering apprehension about voting based on race due to what obama actually became, and a kind of return to voting on street cred?
