Friday, November 1, 2019

where have i been? no posts in 24 hours, almost...

i spent yesterday afternoon processing what i learned from the plumber, yesterday. how am i getting sewer gas through a runoff line? is the sewer on the street combined? do the lines need to be cleared?

so i sent off an email to the engineering department, and i wrote up a letter for my landlord, asking for the lines to be snaked (and also for clarity on whether he's going to accept rent from me this month or not). i had to get to the library to print it, which stunk me up from being outside - but it also wasn't as cold as i feared.

so, i decided to get out and do groceries....and didn't get back until after 22:00. i got all of the things i need for most of the winter, meaning that remaining trips until the spring should mostly be restricted to getting perishables for immediate consumption. i got a prepaid debit for the upcoming trip to toronto, too. i made some spaghetti. i took a shower. and, i feel asleep around 2:00.

i was up a little after 8:00 and called the landlord and tenant board. they claim there's an up to three week lag between filing and processing the applications, which is a lot longer than previously. so, they don't expect to even have a date court date ready until mid november, and that date probably won't be until mid-january. that would suggest that i'll be here until march 1st at the very earliest, which gives me enough time to try and smooth the issue over - or to save some cash to get ready to move. but, i'll call again early in the week...

i got a response from the engineering department this morning, and they're claiming the lines are actually separate, which is surprising to me. most of windsor has combined lines. but, i found a schematic, and, sure enough, the lines are split.

how am i getting sewer gas out of a stormwater drain, then? something must be very wrong...

so, i've got a request into 311 to come snake the city's side of the line, in addition to the request for the landlord to snake the line from this side.

and, i haven't heard anything back from the landlord about the rent. if i don't hear anything by monday, i'll have to type him another letter indicating that i'm acknowledging his lack of reaction as refusing acceptance of the rent (and more evidence that he expects me out by the end of the year). i'll indicate that i'm willing to pay at any time, but that i won't pay interest, because he's refusing it. to be clear: what he's saying is that he'll pay me the one month's penalty by refusing november, and then give me last month's for december. but, he's not going to get a court date until january....

if i can save up a few months of rent, and then win money in a court case, it's easier than taking him to collections.

i need a short nap. but, i'm going to spend the afternoon finishing the november documents, and then get to doing the legal stuff for the weekend. the long range here is terrible, so i don't expect to be going to anything for a while unless i'm really, really keen on it. i should have the toronto trip planned by monday, hopefully...