Tuesday, November 5, 2019

with a stalemate like this, and an inevitable outcome that most people don't want, i think the situation is ripe for a consensus candidate to appear out of nowhere and run on hope and unicorns. they wouldn't even need to have good policies, they'd just have to float above the fray. they'd just have to give people a way out of the trenches.

again: i'm not actually a voter in the united states, but what i want to see is somebody run on a positive socialist vision, without all the populist fear mongering and scapegoating. i want less blaming and more analysis. and, i want a zero tolerance policy on social conservatism.

this ought to be the status quo, but there is no candidate right now that is just a basic, textbook leftist - they all have some asterisk of some sort.

it shouldn't be hard to find a candidate that both supports universal health care and isn't opposed to technological determinism.