Saturday, December 21, 2019

it may be the only thing reagan ever said that was actually true, but for all the wrong reasons.

i live on disability; i "need the government", and i know it. but, the reason i need the government is because it's passed all of these laws regarding property rights. reagan was, of course, an advocate of property rights; anarchists consider property to be an impossible abstraction within the confines of an actually free society.

so, i need the government, but i only need the government because the government forces me to need the government, because i don't want to get a pointless job. so long as the government continues to exist and force free-market capitalism on everybody at the end of a gun, i will remain absolutely dependent on it, by design; if it were to cease to exist, i wouldn't need it at all.

what i would need is the support of a free commune that prioritizes the kind of freedom that i value, and allows me to live the kind of lifestyle that i want. and, i'd be happy to help grow some food and clean the toilets, despite refusing to be a wage slave.

anarchism is hard for capitalists to understand, because it really does pull the rug out in just about every way imaginable. but, the basic problem - and it's what anarchists have been saying for centuries - is rooted in the government's enforcement of property with the use of force. if they'd stop policing property, we could live freely without them; so long as they uphold their system of violence with force, we're all enslaved, one way or another.