Tuesday, December 24, 2019

it's not that sanders isn't the best option.

sanders is clearly the best option. but, i just can't do it. vote eco-socialist, instead.

even when they asked him the transgender question, he seemed weirded out and awkard about it, even while stating the right answer. see, and this is what i'm saying: i don't think that bernie has any problem with the queers. he's actually, historically, been a pretty good ally. it's more like somebody took him aside and told him "this queer thing. you gotta distance yourself.", and he's been fighting with it since. he thinks the queers are unpopular and are costing him votes....

but, the people that told him that were wrong, and the people he should be distancing himself from are them.

he might figure that out, in the end, and course correct. but, the damage is done, and it's going to take a long time before i can get over that, if i ever can.