Monday, December 9, 2019


what you saw in that video with trudeau & macron was not a hot mic, it was a planned stunt by a pmo that operates at the maturity level of a bunch of high school students. they basically thought it would be "cool" if they caught trudeau on film making fun of trump. the intent was to flog it for personal political gain.

this is a part of the reason i'm not bothering with this - i know better. this was a stunt, and it's in a long line of similar stunts.

does it reflect poorly on the prime minister? well, the guy's a complete idiot, and that's been obvious since he first opened his mouth. there's a point where you've done everything you can do to yourself, and you can't really defame yourself any further.

he thinks he's really cool, though. he really does.

but, whoever you are, and however you're approaching this, you have to understand the point - this wasn't an accident. he did this on purpose...