Saturday, January 4, 2020

i tend to buy a pack or two if i'm at the bar for a long period, so i'm not bumming them.

but, with that singular exception put aside, as frequent as it might be in the summer months when i'm out, i haven't bought a pack of cigarettes to smoke casually since the end of 2017, when i got stressed out during the first move.

i'm not joking - i was literally straight-edge for ten months, and i've almost been straight-edge-except-at-concerts since may. the exceptions are that i've been to toronto three times, and brought back a gram or two of pot each time and that i may bum a smoke or two here and there when i'm grocery shopping, because the city fucking stinks, anyways. but, the second caveat is related to the first - if i stop smoking at concerts, i'll stop bumming them when i'm shopping.

and, i have never smoked anything in the basement i'm in. at all.