Wednesday, January 1, 2020

so, i should be done this by now, but i haven't started yet.

i essentially slept all day. i was up briefly in the afternoon, and the machine rebooted again, so i had to take a closer look at what was happening and found some funny clsids that weren't there before. i can't figure out exactly what these things are, but they're not registered to any major company and they're coming up on boot-up.

virustotal says they're fine, which essentially confirms it's a law enforcement thing. files that are not registered to anybody at all and that load on boot without your permission are never harmless. if the antivirus companies won't flag them, it's because it's the state that's put them there, and they've been asked not to.

i've been able to get rid of some of them, and have been having a harder time with others. but, i'm going to stop to get to a first run, before i hit the shower with the sunrise.

this is a smaller document. i should get most of it done.