Sunday, February 9, 2020

one of the biggest problems that we're going to face here in canada as a result of climate change is an unorderly flow of illegal migrants from africa. this presents some opportunities, sure, but many, many more challenges than opportunities. so, it is in our self-interest to fund mitigation programs that aim to reduce the outflow of migrants and prevent them from overrunning the systems here. i'd support that.

we need to be able to measure how many refugees we can take in based on the infrastructure that exists, which is actually relatively limited due to decades of underfunding. it's a big, empty country. but, the land is bought up, and there's not enough housing to just open the gates.

likewise, health is a global issue in the 21st century. i would prefer to see us direct our funds through international bodies like the who, but this is something that is apparent, and we need to see ourselves as actors in a global system, moving forward.

i'm a little wary of bribing african leaders, given that the political systems in these countries are systemic corruption, across the board - something that this government actually seems to be ok with. 

but, mitigation for climate change and funding to help integrate africa into a global health network are two things that all developed countries should be actively engaged with.