Wednesday, February 5, 2020

see, this is why buttigieg hasn't won yet, and why biden isn't screwed, when he should be - forget about whether the results are representative of the country, are they even representative of iowa? and, i don't think that anybody really thinks that they are.

the candidate that really got nailed was warren, because she lost across the board. you really have to give her consolation delegates. she lost. everywhere. convincingly. even klobuchar won a handful of counties.

if the disconnect between the polling and the outcome is as wide for biden in new hampshire as it was in iowa, there will need to be an understanding that his numbers aren't real. i keep arguing that there's no evidence he's faltering, but that relies on the assumption that the data isn't bullshit. but, if the numbers in the primary align with the polling predictions halfways decently, it's hard to argue that iowa really matters much - not due to the demographics, but due to the process.