Wednesday, February 19, 2020

the premise of the conservatives tabling a non-confidence motion is an intriguing one, as they would no doubt do well with their base, just right now. i'm not convinced it would change the balance of power, though.

really, it demonstrates why scheer should have been replaced with an interim leader when he stepped down.

and, as much as i insist that the prime minister should be roundly condemned for excluding the opposition leader, it is itself a good reason for scheer to step down, immediately - we can't go into an election with a lame duck opposition leader, it turns the process into a farce.

the opposition is supposed to be a government in waiting, and if it's going to be triggering elections then it had really better be. that's the premise underlying the way the system is designed. right now, they are anything but, and should not be thinking about this until they are.

are there grounds for it? well, the conservatives have clearly lost confidence, and are clearly presenting an alternate course of action. i don't agree with them; i rarely do. but, they have a reasonable ballot question to put before the people, and governments have fallen over more trivial issues than this.

they need to get their house in order first. scheer should step down immediately.