Thursday, February 6, 2020

you've seen fundraising totals recently, right?

what we just learned in iowa, and we learned it much more quickly in 2020 on the democratic side than we did in 2016 on the republican side where it was a slow process that didn't really flip over until the very end, is where the establishment is, now.

you need to follow the money. you should know that. 

bernie's the boss, now - he's the one stealing elections, this cycle. get used to it. this is what's coming for the next several months - startling sanders victories snatched from the jaws of defeat.

he seems to have won at the last minute via a conservative catholic vote through a satellite caucus that was about ten times larger than most districts. that doesn't pass the smell test. it's like when hillary won via absentee ballots, or early voting. but, nobody will challenge it.

i am a little bit concerned about bernie's coalition, which seems to be a mishmash of reactionary forces. i don't see a better option in the party.

but, can bernie win this? well, that's the wrong question, isn't it? one does not "win" democratic primaries, one buys them. and, right now, he's got all of the cash.

the sneaky thing about bernie walking into this role of establishment politician is that nobody's going to believe it. the independent press is convinced that buttigieg tried to steal it. no; he got robbed. but, they don't actually care about truth any more than fox does, it's just the mirror image of the same ideologically enforced deceit.

meet bernie sanders, establishment juggernaut, democratic don. he's your daddy, kiss his ring.

and, watch him steal this election in front of your eyes, without anybody even suspecting it.

i don't want to rally around anybody else. as mentioned, his coalition worries me, but there's not a better solution in the running. i'm endorsing the greens...