Monday, March 2, 2020

are they reading this?

it's not just minnesota. we're going into super tuesday with a lot of unknowns, now, but klobuchar was probably sanders' strongest challenger through the three northeastern states and a swath of the midwest.

presuming that buttigieg and klobuchar supporters even realize they've dropped, or haven't already voted, this opens up opportunities for sanders to take the pot in states where biden still probably won't end up viable.

i don't think there's been enough time to convert buttigieg supporters into klobuchar supporters, so these are two different groups of voters. and, we just don't have any polling. we're stuck with our intuition.

but, i'm exceedingly skeptical.

i know i've talked about sanders' position being shaky and predicted he'd get leapfrogged, but it was with the assumption that biden was about to drop out. these statements were really implicitly explicitly about buttigieg, who was the only one of the three that could create a common front where it matters. it really seemed obvious to me that he was the candidate that got out of this...

i might have said something differently a few weeks ago, but, after watching the debates and seeing the numbers come in, i just don't think that there's much of anything that biden can do to convince more educated voters that they should vote for him. he's going to have a brick wall, there. they just won't do it; he's just not remotely appealing to smart people, and that's why they picked these other candidates in the first place.

there's no question that they had to consolidate, but they've picked the wrong demographic groups to consolidate around, and i think it's going to blow up in their faces.

steyer is a different question, as he was pulling voters directly from biden. and, biden has gotten a bump from steyer dropping, no question.

i wonder, though, if these buttigieg and klobuchar voters take a last stand with warren, though.

we might get some tracking polls tomorrow morning and we might have to make bad guesses based on them. but, anybody telling you that they can predict this is full of shit. the changes are too dramatic.

have they passed the prisoner's dilemma? they're trying. but, i might have to give them an E for effort, in the end. they picked the wrong candidate to rally around....