Sunday, March 29, 2020

i had this on all day today, and you can see the dramatic difference in what is being sent to me v. what i'm requesting:

wan: 3076719 / 897149
lan: 1798325 / 1360694
wireless: 0/0


wan: 4.4 gb down / 1.28 gb up
lan: 2.57 gb down / 1.95 gb up
wireless: no traffic

did i download 2.57 gb? did i upload 1.95 gb? that seems way too high, but by a smaller margin than i'm no doubt going to see in the official metrics. that tells me that i should be concerned about a hacker or virus, but i know that already. based on previous stats, if i downloaded 2.57, i would only expect to have uploaded around 0.5 or so. so, there is definitely some unexplained traffic on my router. i'm going to have to look at this when the rain clears up in the afternoon.

note, again, that 42% of the traffic directed to me was blocked or otherwise redirected by my router. that's indicative of some serious problems.

let me do some typing this morning and go from there.