Tuesday, March 3, 2020

i know that warren doesn't think this is a game, but that's really an unfortunate comment from somebody that should, and i'm sure does, know better.

the subgame between buttigieg and biden was one thing. even with the endorsement, i suspect it works out to a D,D because there's not enough time to really meaningfully co-operate. i may be abusing the notation, a little.

but, there wasn't really a game being played between biden and klobuchar - the subgame was between between klobuchar and warren.

i stated a little earlier this evening that the system would award warren's bad behaviour. another way to state this is to point out that this is the situation where klobuchar cooperates, and warren defects. in that situation, warren gets a big pot and klobuchar gets nothing.

you can call klobuchar stupid, if you'd like.

but, warren's the one that keeps arguing this is about character.