Thursday, March 5, 2020

the intercept, huh?

this is very similar to my own analysis, this perception that everybody going back to biden on three second's notice doesn't make any sense. he doesn't mention that warren is a more rational end point. i'm sure he's thinking it.

but, it's an interesting deduction at the end - that they've forgotten why they rejected biden in the first place. ryan and i both give this class of voters a lot of credit for being independent thinkers; maybe ryan pulled something out about the effects of technology on our memories.

it still doesn't explain the totality of what happened. it's hard to even use that argument to get to a plurality, let alone an almost complete absorption of not one but two candidates on mere hours notice.

it also doesn't explain the total switch in direction. both buttigieg and klobuchar were insistent they were going forward, until mere minutes before they dropped out. there must have been a memo from head office....