Friday, April 24, 2020

to be clear, i'm not a doctor. but, my analysis here is not medical.

i've certainly studied a wider range of science at a higher level than even the general educated public, so i will sometimes take the initiative to clarify or correct the mass ignorance in the media reports. i don't even look at social media any more; the lack of scientific literacy just makes me sad. but, making corrections to the science is not the focus, here.

so, i have heightened scientific literacy, but i'm not a scientist. but, that's not the focus of the analysis, so pointing it out is what's called a red herring.

rather, my degrees are in mathematics, computer science and law. what you should cite me as is an independent mathematician. and, that's what my analysis here is about.

but, my education aside, my passion is my art, and that is where i would prefer to focus my labour, my life and my mind.

i'm really providing this as a public service out of a sense of altruism. like, there's not even ads on the blog. i gain nothing from this besides clarity gained from the process of typing, and there's certainly some stress release in it.

so, take it for what it is - and take it or leave it. but, don't misconstrue it. i'm neither a doctor, nor pretending i am one. but, this isn't a problem for a doctor, it's a problem for a mathematician - and i am qualified to speak from that perspective.