Friday, April 24, 2020

so, what i've learned at this point is that trump is talking in riddles that he thinks his supporters are more likely to understand, rather than deferring to technical language that he likely has problems with, himself.

these statements appear at first glance to be delving into schizophrenia, or dementia. they simply come off as insane.

but, there have been reports about vitamin d deficiency being a risk factor not just for covid-19 but for a variety of health concerns. vitamins don't cure diseases on their own, but your body is essentially a factory that produces chemicals that control your body's operation, and deficiencies of raw materials will make it difficult for your body to function properly. vitamin deficiency is widely understood as a major underlying problem in the general health of americans. the culture is practically defined by it's romanticization of eating what most of the rest of the world would consider poison or garbage.

is he trying to get people to get outside to synthesize enough d?

and is that a general point we should all be reminded of, as we spend weeks inside, with no sun?