Wednesday, April 22, 2020

we're in a very confusing time on this continent right now.

not just this virus, but in general.

these are left-wing ideas, and leftists are right to feel a twinge of support for people they wouldn't normally associate with. but, this is a condition that has been building for some time, now; the novelty and shock should have largely worn off.

i want to actually make the opposite argument to the one that the fake left media has been so keen on pushing: it's important that the left doesn't let this get away from us. there is no revolutionary potential in the obeisant middle class reaction of cowardly sitting at home, and doing what we're told.

our people are out on the streets, holding up republican placards yearning for freedom.

it's bizarre, but it's real - and we need to get our people back.

there's no way forward in building alliances with people that slavishly do what they're told.