Thursday, May 28, 2020

i have to warn you, though.

you need to expect massive levels of ignorance from the press on this issue, from all sides. we've been through this over and over - almost nobody seems to understand speech on this continent. the response from the aclu (who seems to lose every case they file, nowadays) is going to be just as bad as the response from fox news. it's just going to be complete nonsense from every direction...

if this ends up in court, the ruling will not be about political bias, and it won't be about first amendment rights - although you might stop to pause for a moment and realize that the precedent twitter would be citing would be citizen's united if it came down to it.

the question before the court will be about property rights, and the legal ruling in the end will be that there are no first amendment rights on private property.

that's what the issue here is.

don't let them confuse you.