Monday, May 11, 2020

i wish they weren't going to force me off the list for subsidized housing...

i've already learned that there is no market for smoke-free housing in this city, that the only way to find a smoke-free unit is to move into housing where non-smoking is enforced by bylaw. i've moved twice, now, to avoid second-hand smoke. there's no real solution besides moving somewhere where there's a bylaw, and repeatedly complaining.

so, i'd certainly take the extra $260/month (which is what it works out to for me) and say thank you, but it's not worth it to me if it means i have to take my name off the wait for smoke-free housing.

do i need the cash? i kind of don't....

i'm going to keep an eye on this, maybe they'll change it.

but, it's more important to me to get into smoke-free housing than it is to get the extra $260/month.