Thursday, May 21, 2020

if anybody tries to force me to wear a mask, i will refuse to do so, and sue them for a charter breach.

this is getting ridiculous.

but, is that how it starts?

listen, it's increasingly becoming clear that the reason that the swedes are being targeted is that they didn't do what they were told. they're being treated as a rogue state, and punished for their insolence. but, who is orchestrating this? and why?

do you realize who owns twitter? it's a part of the reason it weirds me out so much. that's a major channel of communication, and is controlled by just about the worst actor possible.

if i were to measure my concern on a scale from 1 to 10, it remains on the low side, but all of this strangeness persists, and i'm wondering if it's getting closer to the midpoint. frankly, though, i'm less concerned about realizing what's happening, and more concerned about reacting to it.

we're on a very disturbing trajectory, and it doesn't seem random, it seems incremental.